Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Best Reality Show On Earth

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

It’s like something out of a Life Time Movie of the Week!  Every time I turn on my TV or check my Twitter something new and dramatic is happening in the world of politics.  It’s the best reality show on earth.  This stuff just writes itself.  If not for Judicial Watch, Wikileaks, Gucifer, Anonymous, and other Truth Seekers none of the proof of the corruption going on with the DNC and Clintons would have been exposed.  And now Roger Stone, Trump supporter has been hacked because he’s been in contact with Julian Assange of Wikileaks.  We’ve got the Clintons and political elites scared.  They’re on the run. The Main Stream Media Propaganda has lost control of the message.  No one is buying their BS.  This fight isn’t about Democrat or Republican.  It’s about right and wrong.  Good vs Evil.  Stay Strong.  We have to continue to put the spotlight on this corruption and spread the word, not allowing the toxic media to set the narrative or stifle us.  We have to reach the voters that aren’t as engaged on a daily basis and take our back our country.  We can’t do it alone.  It’s going to take all of us! 

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