Sunday, August 27, 2017

Is Paul Ryan gearing up for a 2020 run?

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

Paul Ryan must be headed off at the pass. He came to my state early last week for a fundraiser. The only way you could meet Paul Ryan was if you were willing to pay a minimum $1,000 or more for a ticket and only if you bought a ticket could you find out the secret location of the fundraiser. Why is he fundraising outside of his own state? Initially and rather cynically I thought Is he repaying a debt to one of our mamby pampy Senators that may have helped him undermine the President's agenda? But then I found out he was here as Team Ryan. If it's Team Ryan then doesn't that suggest he's gearing up for his own political run, testing the waters so to speak? Team Ryan was very sneaky bringing him to town.  How did they keep this on the down low? Normally this type of info would have spread through the local political grapevine sadly suggesting even in my state the forces against President Trump exists. During the primaries my state was more pro Ted Cruz. For them to shift to Paul Ryan is dramatic. How did he slip in under the wire? Paul Ryan continues to undermine the president's agenda. He did nothing to stop Obama. In some cases even helped him for example funding and passing Obamacare. How can Paul Ryan be against the pardoning of Sheriff Joe? Obama pardoned drug dealers, terrorists and cop killers and not a peep out of Paul Ryan. Sheriff Joe is a patriot and was protecting our borders & citizens, while Paul Ryan puts illegals before Americans. Paul Ryan is two-faced and he's hungry for power. Power we can't allow him to continue to hold as Speaker of the House. Third in line to the Presidency. It goes without saying President Trump and Vice President Pence have targets on their backs. I don't think Pence is part of any coup against the President. He knows the 63 million people that voted for Trump will not support anyone involved in a coup against him and I genuinely think he really wants to help fix our Nation.  Its not just words to him. Now Paul Ryan is a different story. Why isn't Paul Ryan back in Wisconsin pounding the pavement, shaking hands, talking to constituents, answering the hard questions?  Does he think he already has it in the bag or is he planning for something else like a 2020 run?  Is the Deep State going to help him cheat to win?  Will the Wisconsin voters finally vote Paul Ryan out of office?  We must continue to spread the word in Wisconsin and ask voters not to vote for him. Not everyone is as hooked into the political scene as us. We must enlighten them. Give them all the information of how he's lied over repeal-and-replace, how he didn't get tax reform done, all of the things he's promised and never gotten accomplished and never intended to get accomplished. How he continued to support Obama and the Democrats, but pushes back against our duly elected President Trump. How he puts illegals before Americans. Reach out to all your on and off line Wisconsin friends and spread the word about traitor Paul Ryan.
The voters put Donald Trump in charge for a reason. We did not want a politician.  We wanted someone who understood America first. Paul Ryan is a puppet for the Establishment and Deep State. Voters eyes are now open to the duplicities of Congress. The Deep State will learn as the Establishment did, it is unwise to underestimate President Trump and the Trump Train.  

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Gall of Mitch

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

I don’t believe the Founding Fathers intended for career politicians.  A wealthy political class that controls so much. Mitch McConnell has been in DC since 1985.  Thirty-two years.  He’s the definition of a career politician. 

Mitch says because the President hasn’t been in politics before he doesn’t understand how long the democratic process takes.  That the President’s expectations are too high. Give me a break. Talk about condescending, arrogant, and lazy!  What he doesn’t get is the American people’s expectations are higher than the Presidents!  I don’t believe Mitch had any intention of enacting the President’s agenda.  He’s been obstructing and slow moving things from the very beginning.  If there’s one thing the election of Donald J Trump revealed is just how deep the swamp really is and how much they control and have been doing behind the voters’ backs. Repeal and Replace is just another example of the Do Nothing Congress lying to the American voters. For years they’ve run on this issue and collected donations. Give us the House they said and we’ll repeal Obama Care so we did.  Still nothing.  Give us the White House and we did and still nothing.  It was all just lies. Stringing us along so we didn’t know what was really going on. There is an elite political class that doesn’t want to give us back out country.  They’re all part of the establishment swamp that needs to be drained from DC. Mitch has been there since 1985.  Thirty-two years!  We need term limits.  Term limits will help drain the swamp!  I also believe if we could just vote out one or two of these career politicians, the dominoes would start to fall. What Mitch and the rest of the political elites don’t get is the American voters have been enlightened and we are determined to take our country back. That is why we put an outsider in the White House and no matter what they try he is still being successful!  One million jobs created in 6 months.  Another campaign promise kept!  What a concept.  Someone who keeps their promises!  

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Leaks and the Amazon Cloud

Thoughts and opinions of a curvy girl…

According to the Atlantic, The CIA is using the Amazon Cloud to store sensitive data, for all 17 agencies that make up the intelligence community.  Ruminating on a possible theory. Who is it that keeps posting detailed transcripts from anonymous sources?  The Washington Post.  What do the Washington Post and Amazon have in common?  They’re both owned by Jeff Bevos. Could the answer be that simple? Food for thought! 

~Occam's Razor - the simplest answer is usually correct.    


Thoughts and opinions of a curvy girl…

The blog is back!

FLABERGASTED does not even begin to describe how I feel finding out McMasters allowed former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice to keep her security clearance to access classified information.  It appears he thinks she did nothing wrong with the unmasking controversy.  If she did nothing wrong then why keep this from President Trump?  Why purge Trump loyalists from the NSC? Is he part of a coup and how does Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell factor into all of this? I keep seeing pictures and articles of her closeness with Obama Senior Advisor, Valerie Jarret and Hillary BFF Huma Abedin. This brings me to another couple of concerns, why haven’t the Obama holdovers been let go and why are so many Never Trumpers in charge of so much within this administration?  If President Trump wants to stop the leaks and a possible coup the Obama Holdovers and Never Trumpers seems like a good place to start to me!  Start purging! President Trump needs people loyal to him and his agenda.  I know he got over 40,000 job applications so there are plenty of Trump people to fill the slots of those purged.  Start with Johnny DeStefano, Director of Presidential Personnel.  He seems to have a thing for getting rid of Trump loyalists too.