Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Gall of Mitch

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

I don’t believe the Founding Fathers intended for career politicians.  A wealthy political class that controls so much. Mitch McConnell has been in DC since 1985.  Thirty-two years.  He’s the definition of a career politician. 

Mitch says because the President hasn’t been in politics before he doesn’t understand how long the democratic process takes.  That the President’s expectations are too high. Give me a break. Talk about condescending, arrogant, and lazy!  What he doesn’t get is the American people’s expectations are higher than the Presidents!  I don’t believe Mitch had any intention of enacting the President’s agenda.  He’s been obstructing and slow moving things from the very beginning.  If there’s one thing the election of Donald J Trump revealed is just how deep the swamp really is and how much they control and have been doing behind the voters’ backs. Repeal and Replace is just another example of the Do Nothing Congress lying to the American voters. For years they’ve run on this issue and collected donations. Give us the House they said and we’ll repeal Obama Care so we did.  Still nothing.  Give us the White House and we did and still nothing.  It was all just lies. Stringing us along so we didn’t know what was really going on. There is an elite political class that doesn’t want to give us back out country.  They’re all part of the establishment swamp that needs to be drained from DC. Mitch has been there since 1985.  Thirty-two years!  We need term limits.  Term limits will help drain the swamp!  I also believe if we could just vote out one or two of these career politicians, the dominoes would start to fall. What Mitch and the rest of the political elites don’t get is the American voters have been enlightened and we are determined to take our country back. That is why we put an outsider in the White House and no matter what they try he is still being successful!  One million jobs created in 6 months.  Another campaign promise kept!  What a concept.  Someone who keeps their promises!  

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