Thursday, September 7, 2017

North Korea

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl..
President Trump is absolutely correct when he says  North Korea is a global threat that he inherited from the last 3 administrations.  He's said that all options are on the table and to me, that's shows a multi pronged strategy. This involves everything from diplomatic, economic and if necessary, military options. Ultimately, it would be most beneficial if China would step up to the plate and rein in North Korea. Unfortunately, they've decided to be more passive and not be part of the solution. If we can be unified in keeping North Korea under control, we could guarantee the prevention of a nuclear catastrophe, but China would rather stand idly by while innocent lives are lost. In my humble opinion, looking the other way doesn't keep the blood from their hands if this continues to escalate. President Trump is a problem solver and he's implementing a solution that hits on this from multiple angles. He's trying sanctions through the UN security council, allowing Japan and South Korea to purchase more sophisticated military equipment, threatening to put a stop on trade with any country that trades with North Korea, pledged a 45% Tariff for all Chinese goods coming into the United States, and increasing our military presence in the region. Both North Korea and China have been warned not to play chicken with the United States. This isn't the Obama administration where he once bowed to other world leaders. We're a force to be reckoned with, and the greatest super power in the world. If that's not enough to convince them then consider this, General Mattis is the tip of the spear and President Trump is driving it.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017