Friday, May 6, 2016

Speaker Ryan's Next Step Towards Irrelevancy...

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl..

What The Hell is Paul Ryan smoking?  He said he’d support the nominee and now he’s not ready to support Trump?  What a load of crap.  How many times have we held our noses and supported the nominee?  Do the names McCain or Romney ring any bells Mr. Ryan?  Why do you continue to be tone deaf and not listen to the millions of voters who are upset with the “Do Nothing Congress?”  What makes you think you are in any position to sit in judgement or make demands of Donald Trump when you helped push through funding for Obamacare and put illegal immigrants before Americans?  Voters gave the Republicans control of Congress and they threw it away.  They betrayed us.  They chose greed and power over putting the voters first. What you fail to realize is this is a movement.  The voters have decided to take the party in a new direction.  You’re either part of the solution or part of the problem.  Trump puts the American people first unlike the “Do Nothing Congress.” Speaker Ryan, you had a YUGE opportunity to unify and instead chose to divide.  It really doesn’t matter now if you support Donald Trump or not.  The voters support him and we’re who really matter.  Congratulations on your next steps towards becoming irrelevant. 

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