Thoughts and
Opinions of a Curvy Girl…
To say the last 72
hours have been surreal would be an understatement. I hurried home from work Friday night
expecting to watch the Trump rally in Chicago only to be greeted with shocking
images of protesters on my TV. From
listening to the pundits and reviewing my social media, it was obvious we the
voters knew more that was going on than they did. It appeared,, Black Lives Matter (BLM), and Bernie
supporters had sent a call out on Facebook to disrupt the Trump Rally. What was even more dishonest was the Main Stream Media (MSM) kept
playing the same few clips over and over of a few squirmishes calling it live
TV. Trying to gin things up. Finally Trump called them on
it. Fast-forward to Saturday to another
Trump rally where an agry young man jumped the barricade and tried to get up on the
stage to attack Trump. Thankfully the
Secret Service stopped him in his tracks.
He was arrested and then let out on bail, which was shocking because if law enforcement had checked his social media they would have
discovered just how unsavory this man was. His social media revealed his attack on Trump was premeditated. He was shown blatantly disrespecting the American flag and possibly an ISIS sympathizer. Next up another rally with more
protesters. Trump never lost his
cool. He just made a decision to have
the protesters arrested. As things progressed, there was a huge piling
on Trump by the Main Stream Media , other nominees, and GOPe trying to blame this all on
Trump. These were organized protests. Trump didn’t create this mess. The divide and anger was already there. How soon the MSM forgets Ferguson or how President Obama then candidate Obama said if they bring a knife we bring a gun and don't get me started on the awful way he disrespects our law enforcement and military! Instead
of rallying around Trump and his supporters who’s First Amendment Rights were
being violated they chose to play the blame game. Talk about blaming the
victim! These Trump rally’s are privately held events. If people want to protest, stay outside and
protest peacefully. But these
individuals aren’t real protesters.
They’re agitators, disruptors.
The Left only cares about their Freedom of Speech and screw anyone else’s. Why isn't the media demanding Bernie disavow Can you say DOUBLE STANDARDS! And just when
the dishonest MSM couldn’t get any worse, CNN interviews the man who tried to
attack Trump, giving him a platform to spew his rhetoric. He’s a thug. He broke the law and is a possible ISIS
sympathizer. How stupid and
irresponsible of CNN to do this. They’re
just inviting more attacks. Stirring the
pot. Its obvious how threatened the Establishment
and Democrats are by this movement and Trump. But all these protests have accomplished, is elevating our movement and Trump. Probably even ensuring he wins the Presidency.
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