Friday, July 8, 2016

All Lives Matter

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

My heart breaks for Dallas and the police officers shot and killed last night.  This country is falling apart and the divisiveness coming out of the White House is pouring gasoline on an already turbulent situation. All lives matter.  It didn’t take long for the President and the Main Stream Media to turn this into another discussion on gun control.  This isn’t about guns.  There is an anger and hate running through our country.   The embers of racial fire are being stoked.  The more these incidents happen, the more I worry Obama will use it as a justification to declare martial law and we will never see this country turn around in our life time.  Obama always says never let a bad opportunity go to waste and it makes me worry why the country is busy watching Dallas, what is he doing elsewhere. 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Director Comey being interviewed by Congress

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

The hits just keep coming.  I am flabbergasted to find out Hillary’s FBI interview was not recorded and she wasn’t sworn in. What the heck are they smoking at the FBI?  Can you say RIGGED?!  I guess the FBI was just going through the motions. Our tax dollars hard at work.  I spit out my water when Director Comey suggested Hillary was not “SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH” to understand.  What a knee slapper!  I bet Hillary just loves being referred to in that manner and she can’t respond or the gig is up.  I come down on the side of Trey Gowdy who said Mrs. Clinton was CAREFUL not CARELESS! Thank goodness Speaker Paul Ryan took a break from drinking the Kool-Aid and demanded Hillary and her top aides no longer have access to classified material stating their behavior put lives at risk. Unfortunately the damage is done.  

The voters will do their part, but it’s up to the GOP, RNC, and Trump not to screw this up.  We must unite and defeat this corruption before it’s too late.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

FBI Primary

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

The FBI Primary came to a close July 5, 2016 and while FBI Director Comey may not have filed charges against Hillary, he did prosecute her in the court of public opinion and while things don’t seem to stick to the Clintons, the stench of being corrupt and untrustworthy are synonymous with the Clinton name. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want someone who is careless and negligent having the nuclear codes!  We the voters are the last line of defense.  We must continue to illuminate the lies and corruption and vote this November! No one is above the law.