Friday, July 8, 2016

All Lives Matter

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

My heart breaks for Dallas and the police officers shot and killed last night.  This country is falling apart and the divisiveness coming out of the White House is pouring gasoline on an already turbulent situation. All lives matter.  It didn’t take long for the President and the Main Stream Media to turn this into another discussion on gun control.  This isn’t about guns.  There is an anger and hate running through our country.   The embers of racial fire are being stoked.  The more these incidents happen, the more I worry Obama will use it as a justification to declare martial law and we will never see this country turn around in our life time.  Obama always says never let a bad opportunity go to waste and it makes me worry why the country is busy watching Dallas, what is he doing elsewhere. 

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