Monday, December 28, 2015

Stop Talking Down To The Voters!

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

If I hear one more political pundit or establishment figure refer to the silent majority or a Trump supporter as uneducated voters, I will throw my slipper at the TV. Talk about offensive.  Just because a person doesn’t go to college or likes a successful billionaire business man/reality television star, doesn’t make them uneducated.  I was watching The Clinton News Network and these stuck up pundits were discussing how they didn’t think uneducated Trump voters would understand how to caucus. Seriously?! Ever heard of Google? So I exercised my right to switch the channel and it was the same thing on Fox.  They have the same talking points and uppity attitudes!  I have news for you snotty pundits, many voters are as well versed about politics as you are.  We know the Constitution inside and out.  We know the issues that impact our communities and families. We know when our politicians screw us over like Speaker Paul Ryan and that awful Omnibus Bill.  We understand when you and the establishment speak down to us and it’s not going to stop us from voting the way we want.  You can't bully or belittle us into doing things your way. We are not the spineless Congress. We also understand technology and how big a part social media plays into this election cycle.  

 I don’t know who is worse.  The political establishment or the Main Stream Media.  The absolute disdain the media and elites has for Trump and his supporters is palpable and they hate having to acknowledge how well he is doing and don't even get me started on how the MSM is complicit in covering up or ignoring the lies and bad behavior of the Clintons and Obama.  We’ve learned the hard way not to trust either one of you.  

The silent majority is not the one who ruined the GOP.  The establishment that think they know best are the ones who screwed things up with their greed and tunnel vision.  Who gave us Mc Cain and Romney which ultimately lead to Obama?  The establishment.  Trump has the ability to reach demographics the Republicans never thought was possible.  We tried it your way and it didn’t work.  Now it’s time to try it our way! 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Double Standards with the Main Stream Media

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

It’s always been an unspoken rule that candidates children are off limits.  How nasty and inappropriate of the Washington Post to run a cartoon of Ted Cruz’s children as monkeys.  Talk about offensive.  Why not celebrate the first Latino candidate so close to securing the Republican nomination for President? This reminds me of when the media went after Sarah Palin’s kids.  If this would have been Obama’s children or Chelsey Clinton, this would never have happened.  And if it did, heads would be rolling.  Someone would be issuing a major public apology and someone would be losing their job.  And why isn’t President Obama and other Democrats speaking up against this?  Crickets. But yet Donald Trump says Hillary got Schlonged and there’s all this outrage.  And now the Washington Post has doubled down asking their readers if they would have posted it and saying they did Ted Cruz a favor.  Come on!  No one is buying it guys. You got caught!  Instead we get the cartoonist and Washington Post refusing to apologize.  The arrogance of the MSM, Democrats, and the political establishment is offensive and a big reason why there’s a revolution brewing.  The MSM and establishment no longer has the credibility or standing they once did.  Voters are getting their information through other sources. We see the double standards and how the MSM protects Hillary and Obama. The war on Conservatives and Christians is continuing to grow.  This bigotry from the Left must be addressed head on.  Shine a light on them.   

Monday, December 21, 2015

Why Speaker Ryan Why?

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

Why did Speaker Paul Ryan roll over and give the Democrats and Obama everything they wanted?  Why is he more concerned with illegal immigrants than our own citizens? After what happened in Paris and then San Bernardino, why isn’t the safety and protection of his fellow Americans a priority?  Why not take care of our homeless population and veterans first? It’s amazing how Obama and the Democrats keep plowing over the Republicans.  What kind of leverage do they have on every member of Congress to keep getting their way when the Republicans are in charge of the purse strings?  And even more bizarre the Republicans didn’t even put up a fight. Are the elites on both sides in on it together to protect the status quo or is there some sort of blackmail going on? I’m not saying there is or isn’t, just that it begs the question.  Especially when there’s such a hysteria over the possibility of outsiders Trump or Cruz winning the Presidency and shining a light on things.  A lot to ponder my friends.   

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Thoughts and opinions of a curvy girl…

ISIS is at our front door.  Iran is “this” close to being a nuclear power. Our President is gone on another vacation playing golf and in the aftermath of the Fox News GOP debate, the media is more interested in playing up the salacious Reality TV like story of Megyn Kelly vs Trump or Trump vs Fox News than discussing the issues or the candidates who are willing to take on the huge responsibility of getting this great country back on track.  And it’s not just the Republicans caught up in the Realty TV buzz.  Let’s see a show of hands, who would have ever thought they’d see a selfie of Hillary Clinton and Kim Kardashian together?  Did someone have to explain to the both of them who the other one was? Thankfully the majority of American people aren’t fooled by all of the above.  We know it’s all one big distraction from what’s really going on.  We haven't forgotten about Bengazi or Hillary's emails...

Friday, August 7, 2015

Donald Trump GOP Candidate - August 7, 2015

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

Political pundits and strategists continue to get it wrong about Trump.  He’s not dropping in the polls.  If anything he is soaring especially after the GOP debate on Fox News.  Trump has his thumb on the pulse of what the people like and want.  He’s plain spoken and calls it as he sees it.  He’s saying all the things we’re thinking and that the other candidates are too scared to say out loud.  The bottom line, Conservative and Republican voters feel betrayed by the politicians we voted into office and by the Republican establishment that think they know best and aren’t listening.   I may not be a political guru, but even I can see Trump’s double digit lead in the polls is a plus for him.  Just a friendly suggestion, perhaps the political pundits, strategists, and especially the other candidates need to take off their blinders before they get left if the proverbial dust.  The people have spoken and like what Trump is saying.