Monday, December 21, 2015

Why Speaker Ryan Why?

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

Why did Speaker Paul Ryan roll over and give the Democrats and Obama everything they wanted?  Why is he more concerned with illegal immigrants than our own citizens? After what happened in Paris and then San Bernardino, why isn’t the safety and protection of his fellow Americans a priority?  Why not take care of our homeless population and veterans first? It’s amazing how Obama and the Democrats keep plowing over the Republicans.  What kind of leverage do they have on every member of Congress to keep getting their way when the Republicans are in charge of the purse strings?  And even more bizarre the Republicans didn’t even put up a fight. Are the elites on both sides in on it together to protect the status quo or is there some sort of blackmail going on? I’m not saying there is or isn’t, just that it begs the question.  Especially when there’s such a hysteria over the possibility of outsiders Trump or Cruz winning the Presidency and shining a light on things.  A lot to ponder my friends.   


  1. They do it all the time. I just really think the whole bunch needs to be tossed out. There are very very few that are worth keeping in our government whether they be Democrat or Republican.

  2. I think term limits are a great idea.
