Monday, December 28, 2015

Stop Talking Down To The Voters!

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

If I hear one more political pundit or establishment figure refer to the silent majority or a Trump supporter as uneducated voters, I will throw my slipper at the TV. Talk about offensive.  Just because a person doesn’t go to college or likes a successful billionaire business man/reality television star, doesn’t make them uneducated.  I was watching The Clinton News Network and these stuck up pundits were discussing how they didn’t think uneducated Trump voters would understand how to caucus. Seriously?! Ever heard of Google? So I exercised my right to switch the channel and it was the same thing on Fox.  They have the same talking points and uppity attitudes!  I have news for you snotty pundits, many voters are as well versed about politics as you are.  We know the Constitution inside and out.  We know the issues that impact our communities and families. We know when our politicians screw us over like Speaker Paul Ryan and that awful Omnibus Bill.  We understand when you and the establishment speak down to us and it’s not going to stop us from voting the way we want.  You can't bully or belittle us into doing things your way. We are not the spineless Congress. We also understand technology and how big a part social media plays into this election cycle.  

 I don’t know who is worse.  The political establishment or the Main Stream Media.  The absolute disdain the media and elites has for Trump and his supporters is palpable and they hate having to acknowledge how well he is doing and don't even get me started on how the MSM is complicit in covering up or ignoring the lies and bad behavior of the Clintons and Obama.  We’ve learned the hard way not to trust either one of you.  

The silent majority is not the one who ruined the GOP.  The establishment that think they know best are the ones who screwed things up with their greed and tunnel vision.  Who gave us Mc Cain and Romney which ultimately lead to Obama?  The establishment.  Trump has the ability to reach demographics the Republicans never thought was possible.  We tried it your way and it didn’t work.  Now it’s time to try it our way! 

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