Thursday, December 24, 2015

Double Standards with the Main Stream Media

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

It’s always been an unspoken rule that candidates children are off limits.  How nasty and inappropriate of the Washington Post to run a cartoon of Ted Cruz’s children as monkeys.  Talk about offensive.  Why not celebrate the first Latino candidate so close to securing the Republican nomination for President? This reminds me of when the media went after Sarah Palin’s kids.  If this would have been Obama’s children or Chelsey Clinton, this would never have happened.  And if it did, heads would be rolling.  Someone would be issuing a major public apology and someone would be losing their job.  And why isn’t President Obama and other Democrats speaking up against this?  Crickets. But yet Donald Trump says Hillary got Schlonged and there’s all this outrage.  And now the Washington Post has doubled down asking their readers if they would have posted it and saying they did Ted Cruz a favor.  Come on!  No one is buying it guys. You got caught!  Instead we get the cartoonist and Washington Post refusing to apologize.  The arrogance of the MSM, Democrats, and the political establishment is offensive and a big reason why there’s a revolution brewing.  The MSM and establishment no longer has the credibility or standing they once did.  Voters are getting their information through other sources. We see the double standards and how the MSM protects Hillary and Obama. The war on Conservatives and Christians is continuing to grow.  This bigotry from the Left must be addressed head on.  Shine a light on them.   

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