Monday, March 14, 2016

The Blame Game

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

To say the last 72 hours have been surreal would be an understatement.  I hurried home from work Friday night expecting to watch the Trump rally in Chicago only to be greeted with shocking images of protesters on my TV.  From listening to the pundits and reviewing my social media, it was obvious we the voters knew more that was going on than they did.  It appeared,, Black Lives Matter (BLM),  and Bernie supporters had sent a call out on Facebook to disrupt the Trump Rally.  What was even more dishonest was the Main Stream Media (MSM) kept playing the same few clips over and over of a few squirmishes calling it live TV.  Trying to gin things up. Finally Trump called them on it.  Fast-forward to Saturday to another Trump rally where an agry young man jumped the barricade and tried to get up on the stage to attack Trump.  Thankfully the Secret Service stopped him in his tracks.  He was arrested and then let out on bail, which was shocking because if law enforcement had checked his social media they would have discovered just how unsavory this man was. His social media revealed his attack on Trump was premeditated.  He was shown blatantly disrespecting the American flag and possibly an ISIS sympathizer.  Next up another rally with more protesters.  Trump never lost his cool.  He just made a decision to have the protesters arrested.   As things progressed, there was a huge piling on Trump by the Main Stream Media , other nominees, and GOPe trying to blame this all on Trump.  These were organized protests.  Trump didn’t create this mess.  The divide and anger was already there.  How soon the MSM forgets Ferguson or how President Obama then candidate Obama said if they bring a knife we bring a gun and don't get me started on the awful way he disrespects our law enforcement and military!  Instead of rallying around Trump and his supporters who’s First Amendment Rights were being violated they chose to play the blame game. Talk about blaming the victim! These Trump rally’s are privately held events.  If people want to protest, stay outside and protest peacefully.  But these individuals aren’t real protesters.  They’re agitators, disruptors.  The Left only cares about their Freedom of Speech and screw anyone else’s.  Why isn't the media demanding Bernie disavow Can you say DOUBLE STANDARDS! And just when the dishonest MSM couldn’t get any worse, CNN interviews the man who tried to attack Trump, giving him a platform to spew his rhetoric. He’s a thug.  He broke the law and is a possible ISIS sympathizer.  How stupid and irresponsible of CNN to do this.  They’re just inviting more attacks.  Stirring the pot.   Its obvious how threatened the Establishment and Democrats are by this movement and Trump.  But all these protests have accomplished, is elevating our movement and Trump.  Probably even ensuring he wins the Presidency.  

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Conundrum of Hillary...

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

I just don’t get it.  We all know Hillary broke the law with her email scandal and lied about Benghazi, but still she gets away with it and is able to run for the highest office in the land?  Why would people vote for her when there’s so much evidence she’s a criminal? She says she's for women's rights and believing the victim, but we all witnessed how she lead the attack in destroying the lives of the women Bill Clinton had affairs with or preyed upon. I was watching the Showtime political series called The Circus and one political insider said they’re comfortable with Hillary.  Which I think is code for the establishment/elites would get to keep the status quo and their power with Hillary in office. They're comfortable with a criminal? What is wrong with our country?  But back to Hillary, finally someone asked her a hard question.  At the Democratic debate, Jorge Ramos asked her if she’d drop out if she was indicted.  Yes!  Finally someone with some cahones stood up to her! Hillary did not seem happy with the question and was emphatic she won't be indicted.  I don’t know what she has on Obama, but it must be a doozy for him to be protecting her.   I think the only way we’ll get to the bottom of this or she to get indicted is for Trump to be elected President.  Trump they can’t control.  I think it’s great he is self funding his campaign and doesn’t owe donors or lobbyist anything.  He is working for us.  Time for Hillary to learn she is not above the law.

The Establishment/Elites Are Tone Deaf

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

Words cannot describe the frustration I feel at the thought of the so called Establishment or Elites trying to subvert the will of the voters. No matter how many secret meetings Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Bill Kristol, and their cronies have, they can’t stop this.  This is a movement.  The silent majority is silent no more.  Trump is the messenger.  We want our party and country back from the donor class.  We listened to you, held our noses and voted for McCain and then Romney to no avail.  We voted and gave you a Republican Congress who then rolled over and gave us Obamacare and funded Planned Parenthood.  Again and again we’ve been betrayed by those we’ve voted into office and listened too.  You threaten if you don’t get your way, you’ll vote for Hillary putting the SCOTUS nominee in jeopardy.  How selfish!  What gives you the right to think your opinion is more important that the voters?  Perhaps Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan forget who they work for?  We voted you into office and can vote you out. Trump is building the coalition you always said you wanted but really you were just blowing hot air. We’ve been wised up and realize you’d be just as happy with Hillary winning because you’d get to keep the status quo and your so called power. However, you don’t realize you’ve already lost.  Even if you steal the nomination from Trump, you've already lost.  We'll never support you again.  And by we I don't just mean the silent majority, but the Independents and Reagan Democrats too.