Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Conundrum of Hillary...

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

I just don’t get it.  We all know Hillary broke the law with her email scandal and lied about Benghazi, but still she gets away with it and is able to run for the highest office in the land?  Why would people vote for her when there’s so much evidence she’s a criminal? She says she's for women's rights and believing the victim, but we all witnessed how she lead the attack in destroying the lives of the women Bill Clinton had affairs with or preyed upon. I was watching the Showtime political series called The Circus and one political insider said they’re comfortable with Hillary.  Which I think is code for the establishment/elites would get to keep the status quo and their power with Hillary in office. They're comfortable with a criminal? What is wrong with our country?  But back to Hillary, finally someone asked her a hard question.  At the Democratic debate, Jorge Ramos asked her if she’d drop out if she was indicted.  Yes!  Finally someone with some cahones stood up to her! Hillary did not seem happy with the question and was emphatic she won't be indicted.  I don’t know what she has on Obama, but it must be a doozy for him to be protecting her.   I think the only way we’ll get to the bottom of this or she to get indicted is for Trump to be elected President.  Trump they can’t control.  I think it’s great he is self funding his campaign and doesn’t owe donors or lobbyist anything.  He is working for us.  Time for Hillary to learn she is not above the law.

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