Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Establishment/Elites Are Tone Deaf

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

Words cannot describe the frustration I feel at the thought of the so called Establishment or Elites trying to subvert the will of the voters. No matter how many secret meetings Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Bill Kristol, and their cronies have, they can’t stop this.  This is a movement.  The silent majority is silent no more.  Trump is the messenger.  We want our party and country back from the donor class.  We listened to you, held our noses and voted for McCain and then Romney to no avail.  We voted and gave you a Republican Congress who then rolled over and gave us Obamacare and funded Planned Parenthood.  Again and again we’ve been betrayed by those we’ve voted into office and listened too.  You threaten if you don’t get your way, you’ll vote for Hillary putting the SCOTUS nominee in jeopardy.  How selfish!  What gives you the right to think your opinion is more important that the voters?  Perhaps Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan forget who they work for?  We voted you into office and can vote you out. Trump is building the coalition you always said you wanted but really you were just blowing hot air. We’ve been wised up and realize you’d be just as happy with Hillary winning because you’d get to keep the status quo and your so called power. However, you don’t realize you’ve already lost.  Even if you steal the nomination from Trump, you've already lost.  We'll never support you again.  And by we I don't just mean the silent majority, but the Independents and Reagan Democrats too.   

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