Thursday, September 1, 2016

Trump's Gamble Pays off

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

What an amazing day for Trump.  August 31, 2016 will go down in the history books as the day Trump proved his nomination for President of the United States!  Whether it be meeting with world leaders, setting policy, or meeting with every day citizens, Trump is already proceeding as our Commander in Chief while Obama plays another round of golf and  Hillary continues to hide, only doing fundraisers and hanging out with Huma.
Once again, Trump is setting the agenda as the media and Hillary trail behind.  His gamble is paying off and the polls are tightening.  He's taking control of the narrative as only Trump can do. I thought last week was exciting having Nigel Farage of Brexit appear at his rally, but flying to Mexico and meeting with their president takes things to entirely new level.  What will he do next? Could a meeting with Putin be in the cards?  With Trump you just never know.  It’s just fun to hold on and enjoy the ride.  

Freedom of Speech at risk!

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl….

On Oct 10, 2016 Obama is set to hand over control of ICANN to the United Nations.  ICANN approves or denies all internet domains, numbers, and content.  This is a “HUGE” Freedom of Speech issue!  We can’t let the UN have control of the internet.  Please call your Senators about blocking this issue.  Ph# 202-224-3121.  I called this morning and got right through.  Suprisingly, my Senator’s office knew exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned ICANN.  They said in June 2016 Ted Cruz put forth a bill called Protecting the Internet Freedom Act.  We can’t hand over the keys to the internet to the UN.  Our First Amendment Rights are at risk! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Brexit Hero

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

I was so excited when I saw the rumors on Twitter that Nigel Farage, Hero of Brexit, would be speaking at the Trump rally in Mississippi tonight.  Through the wonders of technology we got to see Nigel speak live, firing up the Trump crowd!  What an inspiring speech!  It gave me goose bumps! Trump and Farage side by side. Two hero's willing to take on the Political Establishment for the people.  Doing what's right.  Reinforcing that we the people can stand up and beat the Establishment, just like Brexit did in the UK!  

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Best Reality Show On Earth

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

It’s like something out of a Life Time Movie of the Week!  Every time I turn on my TV or check my Twitter something new and dramatic is happening in the world of politics.  It’s the best reality show on earth.  This stuff just writes itself.  If not for Judicial Watch, Wikileaks, Gucifer, Anonymous, and other Truth Seekers none of the proof of the corruption going on with the DNC and Clintons would have been exposed.  And now Roger Stone, Trump supporter has been hacked because he’s been in contact with Julian Assange of Wikileaks.  We’ve got the Clintons and political elites scared.  They’re on the run. The Main Stream Media Propaganda has lost control of the message.  No one is buying their BS.  This fight isn’t about Democrat or Republican.  It’s about right and wrong.  Good vs Evil.  Stay Strong.  We have to continue to put the spotlight on this corruption and spread the word, not allowing the toxic media to set the narrative or stifle us.  We have to reach the voters that aren’t as engaged on a daily basis and take our back our country.  We can’t do it alone.  It’s going to take all of us! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Media Bias

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

No longer can we trust the media to hold politicians accountable.  They're in bed together. I knew things were going to get worse, but even I was caught off guard by the dishonest media twisting Trump’s words into a suggested assassination attempt on Hillary.  Granted Trump does himself no favors with his off handed comments, but give me a freaken break it’s a long stretch to twist things into an assassination plot.  Their over the top rhetoric is just crazy!  It’s more like creative writing 101.  A horror story gone wrong and we're stuck in the dark basement not knowing what’s lurking in the corner. The Main Stream Media isn’t even trying to be objective.  Their bias is out of control.  It’s just 24/7 attack Trump in an effort to destroy him and deflect from their crooked candidate.  Their hypocrisy is deeper than can be measured.  My hip waders have hip waders. How soon they forget Hillary’s comments about assassination when running against the Sacred One Obama or Uncle Joe Biden saying if they try to take my shotgun, they’ll get shot. The double standards are disgusting and I believe will ultimately backfire on them.  But it’s not just the Democrats and Main Stream Media doing this.  The Republican Elites are just as bad.  It’s a power struggle and the political elites have their bully the media bludgeoning us 24/7 with their propaganda lies.  Never have I seen a party attack their own nominee in this manner.  A willingness to eat their own to protect their power indicating the corruption in DC is worse than we ever imagined.  We must clean house! Initially social media was the great equalizer allowing the people to congregate and get their message out online.  To share ideas to right the ship so we don’t end up like the proverbial Titanic hitting an iceberg named Hillary.   Now Face Book, Twitter, and Google appear complicit in aiding the Liberal agenda by censoring information.  We must remain vigilant in our efforts to expose the truth essentially doing the media’s job for them.  In addition, Trump needs to do us a favor and stop with the unforced errors in giving them ammunition to use against him.  Less than 90 days to go!  We can do this! 

Friday, July 8, 2016

All Lives Matter

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

My heart breaks for Dallas and the police officers shot and killed last night.  This country is falling apart and the divisiveness coming out of the White House is pouring gasoline on an already turbulent situation. All lives matter.  It didn’t take long for the President and the Main Stream Media to turn this into another discussion on gun control.  This isn’t about guns.  There is an anger and hate running through our country.   The embers of racial fire are being stoked.  The more these incidents happen, the more I worry Obama will use it as a justification to declare martial law and we will never see this country turn around in our life time.  Obama always says never let a bad opportunity go to waste and it makes me worry why the country is busy watching Dallas, what is he doing elsewhere. 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Director Comey being interviewed by Congress

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

The hits just keep coming.  I am flabbergasted to find out Hillary’s FBI interview was not recorded and she wasn’t sworn in. What the heck are they smoking at the FBI?  Can you say RIGGED?!  I guess the FBI was just going through the motions. Our tax dollars hard at work.  I spit out my water when Director Comey suggested Hillary was not “SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH” to understand.  What a knee slapper!  I bet Hillary just loves being referred to in that manner and she can’t respond or the gig is up.  I come down on the side of Trey Gowdy who said Mrs. Clinton was CAREFUL not CARELESS! Thank goodness Speaker Paul Ryan took a break from drinking the Kool-Aid and demanded Hillary and her top aides no longer have access to classified material stating their behavior put lives at risk. Unfortunately the damage is done.  

The voters will do their part, but it’s up to the GOP, RNC, and Trump not to screw this up.  We must unite and defeat this corruption before it’s too late.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

FBI Primary

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

The FBI Primary came to a close July 5, 2016 and while FBI Director Comey may not have filed charges against Hillary, he did prosecute her in the court of public opinion and while things don’t seem to stick to the Clintons, the stench of being corrupt and untrustworthy are synonymous with the Clinton name. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want someone who is careless and negligent having the nuclear codes!  We the voters are the last line of defense.  We must continue to illuminate the lies and corruption and vote this November! No one is above the law. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Speaker Ryan's Next Step Towards Irrelevancy...

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl..

What The Hell is Paul Ryan smoking?  He said he’d support the nominee and now he’s not ready to support Trump?  What a load of crap.  How many times have we held our noses and supported the nominee?  Do the names McCain or Romney ring any bells Mr. Ryan?  Why do you continue to be tone deaf and not listen to the millions of voters who are upset with the “Do Nothing Congress?”  What makes you think you are in any position to sit in judgement or make demands of Donald Trump when you helped push through funding for Obamacare and put illegal immigrants before Americans?  Voters gave the Republicans control of Congress and they threw it away.  They betrayed us.  They chose greed and power over putting the voters first. What you fail to realize is this is a movement.  The voters have decided to take the party in a new direction.  You’re either part of the solution or part of the problem.  Trump puts the American people first unlike the “Do Nothing Congress.” Speaker Ryan, you had a YUGE opportunity to unify and instead chose to divide.  It really doesn’t matter now if you support Donald Trump or not.  The voters support him and we’re who really matter.  Congratulations on your next steps towards becoming irrelevant. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Blame Game

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

To say the last 72 hours have been surreal would be an understatement.  I hurried home from work Friday night expecting to watch the Trump rally in Chicago only to be greeted with shocking images of protesters on my TV.  From listening to the pundits and reviewing my social media, it was obvious we the voters knew more that was going on than they did.  It appeared,, Black Lives Matter (BLM),  and Bernie supporters had sent a call out on Facebook to disrupt the Trump Rally.  What was even more dishonest was the Main Stream Media (MSM) kept playing the same few clips over and over of a few squirmishes calling it live TV.  Trying to gin things up. Finally Trump called them on it.  Fast-forward to Saturday to another Trump rally where an agry young man jumped the barricade and tried to get up on the stage to attack Trump.  Thankfully the Secret Service stopped him in his tracks.  He was arrested and then let out on bail, which was shocking because if law enforcement had checked his social media they would have discovered just how unsavory this man was. His social media revealed his attack on Trump was premeditated.  He was shown blatantly disrespecting the American flag and possibly an ISIS sympathizer.  Next up another rally with more protesters.  Trump never lost his cool.  He just made a decision to have the protesters arrested.   As things progressed, there was a huge piling on Trump by the Main Stream Media , other nominees, and GOPe trying to blame this all on Trump.  These were organized protests.  Trump didn’t create this mess.  The divide and anger was already there.  How soon the MSM forgets Ferguson or how President Obama then candidate Obama said if they bring a knife we bring a gun and don't get me started on the awful way he disrespects our law enforcement and military!  Instead of rallying around Trump and his supporters who’s First Amendment Rights were being violated they chose to play the blame game. Talk about blaming the victim! These Trump rally’s are privately held events.  If people want to protest, stay outside and protest peacefully.  But these individuals aren’t real protesters.  They’re agitators, disruptors.  The Left only cares about their Freedom of Speech and screw anyone else’s.  Why isn't the media demanding Bernie disavow Can you say DOUBLE STANDARDS! And just when the dishonest MSM couldn’t get any worse, CNN interviews the man who tried to attack Trump, giving him a platform to spew his rhetoric. He’s a thug.  He broke the law and is a possible ISIS sympathizer.  How stupid and irresponsible of CNN to do this.  They’re just inviting more attacks.  Stirring the pot.   Its obvious how threatened the Establishment and Democrats are by this movement and Trump.  But all these protests have accomplished, is elevating our movement and Trump.  Probably even ensuring he wins the Presidency.  

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Conundrum of Hillary...

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl…

I just don’t get it.  We all know Hillary broke the law with her email scandal and lied about Benghazi, but still she gets away with it and is able to run for the highest office in the land?  Why would people vote for her when there’s so much evidence she’s a criminal? She says she's for women's rights and believing the victim, but we all witnessed how she lead the attack in destroying the lives of the women Bill Clinton had affairs with or preyed upon. I was watching the Showtime political series called The Circus and one political insider said they’re comfortable with Hillary.  Which I think is code for the establishment/elites would get to keep the status quo and their power with Hillary in office. They're comfortable with a criminal? What is wrong with our country?  But back to Hillary, finally someone asked her a hard question.  At the Democratic debate, Jorge Ramos asked her if she’d drop out if she was indicted.  Yes!  Finally someone with some cahones stood up to her! Hillary did not seem happy with the question and was emphatic she won't be indicted.  I don’t know what she has on Obama, but it must be a doozy for him to be protecting her.   I think the only way we’ll get to the bottom of this or she to get indicted is for Trump to be elected President.  Trump they can’t control.  I think it’s great he is self funding his campaign and doesn’t owe donors or lobbyist anything.  He is working for us.  Time for Hillary to learn she is not above the law.

The Establishment/Elites Are Tone Deaf

Thoughts and Opinions of a Curvy Girl...

Words cannot describe the frustration I feel at the thought of the so called Establishment or Elites trying to subvert the will of the voters. No matter how many secret meetings Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Bill Kristol, and their cronies have, they can’t stop this.  This is a movement.  The silent majority is silent no more.  Trump is the messenger.  We want our party and country back from the donor class.  We listened to you, held our noses and voted for McCain and then Romney to no avail.  We voted and gave you a Republican Congress who then rolled over and gave us Obamacare and funded Planned Parenthood.  Again and again we’ve been betrayed by those we’ve voted into office and listened too.  You threaten if you don’t get your way, you’ll vote for Hillary putting the SCOTUS nominee in jeopardy.  How selfish!  What gives you the right to think your opinion is more important that the voters?  Perhaps Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan forget who they work for?  We voted you into office and can vote you out. Trump is building the coalition you always said you wanted but really you were just blowing hot air. We’ve been wised up and realize you’d be just as happy with Hillary winning because you’d get to keep the status quo and your so called power. However, you don’t realize you’ve already lost.  Even if you steal the nomination from Trump, you've already lost.  We'll never support you again.  And by we I don't just mean the silent majority, but the Independents and Reagan Democrats too.